With the close of 2014 upon us, I thought it would be worthwhile to outline "The New Normal" of Retail:
2013: Strong eCommerce growth with flat store sales
2014: eCommerce growth strong enough to offset negative year over year store sales
2013: Mobile visitors account for 25% of traffic and 10% of sales
2014: Mobile visitors exceeding desktop visitors and contributing 30% of sales
2013: "I'm not paying for shipping"
2014: "I want it now and I'm not paying for shipping"
2013: Big box retailers shipping from stores.
2014: Big box retailers shifting selling space and payroll to fulfillment space and payroll.
2013: "All commerce is shifting to eCommerce"
2014: "When is this lease space available?"
2013: "Tracking is an invasion of privacy"
2014: "The bridge of offline and online retail"
2013: Retailers sharing links on social media sites with off app/site transactions.
2014: Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Wanelo transactions happen in-app/site.